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Showing posts from March, 2020

WHO is responsible for Covid-19 Pandemic ??

WHO  Is Responsible For Pandemic Covid-19 Out Break ?? T he Pandemic coronavirus unfurling its scary forelimb  across the Globe. Our Improving Technology has failed to get control over this Epidemic . The  World Health Organization  ( WHO ) is a  specialized agency of the United Nations  responsible for international  public health .  It is part of the  U.N. Sustainable Development Group . The WHO Constitution, which establishes the agency's governing structure and principles, states its main objective as ensuring "the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.  It has the rights for setting norms and standards and promoting and mentoring their implementation and Health situation and assessing health trends. "  It is headquartered in  Geneva ,  Switzerland , with six semi-autonomous regional offices and 150 field offices worldwide. Is this chaperone  is Responsible for the Present situation of this Pandemic ?? Till 28th march 2020 this

1720 1820 1920 2020 Just A coincidence Or Conspiracy ??

17 20   18 20   19 20 20 20   Just A Coincidence Or A Conspiracy ??     Why These Pandemic Diseases After Every Centuries ? A long with  Huge Population Explosion  Human Beings Facilitating  itself to deal with  any Eye to Eye Situation. We are achieving lot in Technology as well as in medical science . Now we are in 20th Century The whole Globe  Participating in Cold war to make himself as the Domain of whole World.The whole world participating in Trade War, Space science,Ancient History as well as in Military.  With Facilitated Technology and Developed Medical Science , in the Age of AI & Machine Learning we are unable to got control Over an Epidemic Disease. Its not only the trounce of whole world but also a question mark about  our Height. Our Ancient History also giving the prove of this pandemic Diseases which was not only in History but also now in present days we are unable to get control over these Epidemic. Worst Pandemic Diseases Of History Plagu


P ANDEMIC DISEASES AND WORLD The list of Contagious diseases that Break down the Back Bone of World. Earth is the only planet where we humans are surviving to make our life more easier. But hungriness of more and more forcing us to make mistakes . Well said by some one that "When it become worse nature herself choose a path to retain own creation". Throughout history, there have been a number of pandemics of diseases that separates their glitters from their loved  one which are such as   smallpox   and  tuberculosis . One of the most devastating pandemics was the  Black Death , which killed an estimated 75–200 million people in the 14th century. The current pandemics are CORONA Virus  and HIV/AIDS . CURRENT CONTAGIOUS DISEASE :- Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19):- A  new coronavirus  was first identified in  Wuhan ,  Hubei , China, in late December 2019, as causing a cluster of cases of an acute respiratory disease, now referred to as  coro