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WHO is responsible for Covid-19 Pandemic ??

WHO Is Responsible For Pandemic Covid-19 Out Break ??

The Pandemic coronavirus unfurling its scary forelimb  across the Globe. Our Improving Technology has failed to get control over this Epidemic.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. It is part of the U.N. Sustainable Development Group. The WHO Constitution, which establishes the agency's governing structure and principles, states its main objective as ensuring "the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.  It has the rights for setting norms and standards and promoting and mentoring their implementation and Health situation and assessing health trends. " It is headquartered in GenevaSwitzerland, with six semi-autonomous regional offices and 150 field offices worldwide. Is this chaperone  is Responsible for the Present situation of this Pandemic ??
Till 28th march 2020 this is the list of total cases of corona virus across the World

Coronavirus Cases:






Before one month there was a different situation . On 27th Feb, china reported 329 cases which was lowest in more than one month and total cases were -79,251 and out side china , there were 4351 cases in 49 countries and total death was- 67 but if we compare it with present condition CHINA has Total no of cases-81,394 and death-3,295 and present at the 3rd position in the list but USA has total no of cases-104,256, total death- 1,704 is in the top and ITALY has total no of cases-86,498 and total death-9,134 in the second ,which is not only a scary message but also siren towards future.

 WHO is Responsible For Corona Pandemic ?

The SARS CoV2 originated  in Wet market of Wuhan. Initially the Chinese Government's slow Response and trying to hide the cases resulted in the Global Pandemic.
A barrage of criticism has been heaped at world health organization , saying WHO aided and abetted the Chinese Propaganda. There was a first out break  of coronavirus confirmed in November 17 but it was suppressed by the china Government.
Government records suggest first person infected with corona was a Hubei resident aged 55, but till now "Patient Zero " yet to be confirmed but according to History it was very much easy too track the "Patient Zero" by WHO but in present case where is the Responsibility of WHO ,is it indicating towards a conspiracy Theory ??? 
The first cases of the 'Wuhan' virus were seen as early as November but the Chinese Government silenced the whistle blowers and downplayed the threat. It was only in mid/late January that China woke up to tackle the virus, thus giving two months to covid 19 to spread unabated.
But in January 14  a famous criticism was done by WHO that there is no clear evidence of Human to human Transmission of the Novel #Coronavirus identified in #Wuhan #China but that time there was total  cases of this Pandemic -50.
WHO also castigated countries like USA and India who started Restricting flights to and from china or issued travel advisories at that time. According to WHO
This was the Tweet was from WHO Official Twitter Handle after getting sufficient Evidence....
Here all Spotlight goes to the Director- General of WHO and EX-Health minister of Ethiopia  and the active member of Ruling Party in Ethiopia-DR. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus . All content measures goes  that it was a great favor towards China by him because of Huge investment and Project that contributed by China in Ethiopia which shows the Ethiopia and the Chinese dream in Africa.
In late January , the DG visited China on 28th January and he met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing after the Lock down announced by China in Wuhan on 23rd January.
Following the meeting ,he started praising and Tedros  commended China for "Setting a new standard for outbreak control" and country's top Leadership for its "Openness to sharing Information" with the WHO and other countries. 
Despite prevailing evidence that the situation in china was spiraling out of control , Adhanom had still praised china for containing the outbreak marvelously, which was not that in line with other country's reaction.
He also said "widespread travel bans not needed to beat Chinavirus" in first week of February 2020.
 and "China has bought the World time" which was such a drastic comment.

WHO's Reaction to 2003 SARS outbreak :-

Dr. Tedros's inaction stands in Stark Contrast to the  WHO's actions during the 2003 SARS outbreak in china.Then WHO DG Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland made history by declaring the WHO's first travel advisory in 55 years which recommended against travel to and from the disease epicenter in southern China  and that time it was total case 8000 in whole world. He  also criticized china for endangering global health by attempting to cover up the outbreak through its usual playbook of arresting whistle blowers and censoring Media .
But in present day China's Heightening  ECONOMY standing with the WHO's voluntary budgetary contributions to meet its broad mandate. In recent years the WHO has grown more reliant upon these funds to address budget deficits due to the Helping hand of China.
China's WHO contributions have grown by 52% since 2014 to approximately $86 million  and co helper in project "one belt one Road" with WHO  increasing the influence of China on WHO.    

Taiwan Angle:- 

Taiwan recently confirmed that it had warned the WHO about human to human transmission of covid-19 on December 31 2019 however, the WHO did not publish the requested information on its internal website and  on January 8th for political reason and praised  China's identification of  the virus and did not recommend any specific travel measures for travelers.
Note that Taiwan is not in WHO just because of  China. The main reason behind it was the migration of workers(up to 50 lakh) form the factories and industries of  Wuhan to their native lands in 24-30th  January is the main reason for more transmission of the virus.

Naming of Novel Virus:-

Another source of criticism was the naming of the novel virus . According to the source the naming of any viruses occurs according to their origin center or any of the name of the river  Ex:- Ebola virus , Zika virus but in case of corona it was simply violated and named as - Covid -19 and  WHO tries to calm talk of Pandemic, says the Word "does not fit the facts". To declare the corona virus as Pandemic ,this demand was from 2nd week of February but the WHO did it in 11th March which showing the irresponsible and calm awake  nature of WHO.

Main Reasons Of Pandemic Out break:-

➤ Absence of accurate information about the pathogen and failure        of basic public services .
➤ Failure to Regulate food and marketplaces to  prevent transmission of Pathogens.
➤  Failed to shutdown transportation and control movement once     it spreads. 


All the measures showing the action of #WHO and #China so please  stay at your home and stay Healthy and safe with your family.
If you or any of your family member feeling sick then please stay self quarantine and please contact with the nearest Hospital. Please follow the below processes Published by  Ministry  of Health and  Family Welfare.



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